For these purposes, more than 149 million rubles have been allocated from the federal and republican budgets

For these purposes, more than 149 million rubles have been allocated from the federal and republican budgets

In the Novgorod region, more than 100 schools and colleges will receive new equipment in 2020, TASS reports with reference to the Minister of Education of the region, Evgenia Serebryakova.

The equipment will be delivered within the framework of the Digital Educational Environment project of the Education national project.

“In 2019, 10 institutions (schools) received equipment and entered this project, in 2020 another 102 institutions will harriet tubman hero essay receive equipment and will be included in the project – almost more than 50% of educational institutions in the Novgorod region. This also includes SPE (secondary vocational education), correctional schools, ”Serebryakova said. 

It is specified that, within the framework of the project, educational institutions of the region acquire computer equipment: laptops, multifunctional devices and interactive panels. 

The Education National Project was approved by Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2018. It is designed to ensure the global competitiveness of Russian education, as well as the entry of the Russian Federation into the top ten countries in terms of the quality of general education. The project budget is 784.5 billion rubles. The implementation of the Education National Project will cover the period from 2019 to 2024.

In the Tula region in September 2020, 32 centers for the education of digital and humanitarian profiles “Points of Growth” will open, the Ministry of Education of the Tula Region reports.

The centers are being created within the framework of the national project “Education” in the schools of the region located in rural areas and small towns. For these purposes, more than 36 million rubles have been allocated from the federal and regional budgets. 

Growth points are specialized centers for digital and humanitarian education, which, within the framework of the Education national project, are created on the basis of general education, including rural, schools throughout the country. The purpose of their creation is to enable children from the regions to learn how to work with modern technologies.

The Education National Project was approved by Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2018. It is designed to ensure the global competitiveness of Russian education, as well as the entry of the Russian Federation into the top ten countries in terms of the quality of general education. The project budget is 784.5 billion rubles. The implementation of the Education National Project will cover the period from 2019 to 2024.

The Volgograd Children’s Technopark “Quantorium” has summed up the results of the “Engineering Vacation”, according to the Committee of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Volgograd Region.

Over the course of two educational project online shifts, master classes, quests, specialized classes and marathons were held for the children. More than 600 children took part in them. 

It is noted that more than 50 online shifts and over 439 diverse events were held: promotions, contests, excursions, challenges, flash mobs, which brought together almost 190 thousand participants.

Children’s Technoparks “Quantorium” are playgrounds where children can master promising engineering areas, including modern laser technologies, neurotechnologies, unmanned aircraft, programming, 3D modeling and others.

Technoparks are designed to train young personnel in a number of relevant areas – from robotics and the design of small Earth satellites to the study of laser technologies and the modeling of unmanned objects.

The Education National Project was approved by Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2018. It is designed to ensure the global competitiveness of Russian education, as well as the entry of the Russian Federation into the top ten countries in terms of the quality of general education. The project budget is 784.5 billion rubles. The implementation of the Education National Project will cover the period from 2019 to 2024.

This year, more than 12.5 thousand graduates of Kuzbass received secondary vocational education, the Ministry of Education and Science of Kuzbass reports. 

For the first time, the Center for Advanced Professional Training helps in the employment of young specialists. Kuzbass became the first region of Russia, where a TsOPP was created within the framework of the national project “Education”. Information about vacancies at Kuzbass enterprises, where employment of graduates is possible, is weekly updated on the website and in social networks of the TsOPP. By calling the hotline: 8-950-598-39-26, applicants can get help from specialists in the design of their resume and portfolio. Also, a large section with information for graduates has been created on the CSPC website: links to job banks, services for registering self-employed, an employment algorithm. “Kuzbass needs professionals for development in all spheres: doctors and nurses – to hospitals, teachers – to schools, kindergartens and universities, engineers – to industrial enterprises. Therefore, we are increasing the enrollment in higher and professional educational institutions: over the year we created 168 new full-time budgetary places in universities, 156 places in technical schools and colleges, “said the Governor of Kuzbass Sergey Tsivilev. State final attestation and defense of final qualifying works in this academic year were mainly carried out online. 440 students from 15 professional organizations passed the attestation in-person in the format of a demonstration exam according to WorldSkills standards. For the examinees, real working conditions were simulated for 14 competencies, in accordance with which they demonstrated the acquired knowledge. The issuance of diplomas in technical schools and colleges has already ended. In universities – at the final stage.

In 2020, 66 schools and colleges in North Ossetia will receive new equipment, according to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. 

For these purposes, more than 149 million rubles have been allocated from the federal and republican budgets. Funding comes from the federal project “Digital educational environment” of the national project “Education”. 

In total, the following will be purchased: 3001 notebooks for management personnel, teachers and schoolchildren, 74 multifunctional devices, 151 interactive complexes.

By 2022, 163 educational organizations – schools and vocational schools – will be provided with new equipment. 

“This will create a high-quality material and technical base of educational organizations of the republic and provide access to quality education for all schoolchildren of the republic, regardless of location,” said the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania Lyudmila Basharina.

Most of the equipment has already arrived in the republic, the rest of the equipment will be delivered in the near future.

In 2020, in North Ossetia within the framework of the national project “Education”, 42 Centers for digital and humanitarian profiles “Growth Point”, a digital education center “IT-cube”, a children’s technopark “Quantorium” in Mozdok and a mobile technopark “Quantorium” will also open.

The Education National Project was approved by Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2018. It is designed to ensure the global competitiveness of Russian education, as well as the entry of the Russian Federation into the top ten countries in terms of the quality of general education. The project budget is 784.5 billion rubles. The implementation of the Education National Project will cover the period from 2019 to 2024.

A new children’s technopark “Quantorium” will be created in Vyksa, Nizhny Novgorod region, the press service of the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod region reports. 

“Quantoriums” have become one of the brightest symbols of the national project “Education”. On the one hand, they are united by a common idea, but their content depends on their location. Vyksa is a powerful industrial and cultural center of the region. It’s great that such a complex will be created here. Vyksa enterprises need young and promising personnel, they are ready to participate in the education of new generations of engineers and metallurgists, ”said Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Gleb Nikitin.

According to him, Quantorium will appear in Vyksa in 2022 as part of the Education national project and will be a complex for children of all age groups.

“The location of the Quantorium is also symbolic. It will become an important part of the historical environment of the city and will absorb the best metallurgical traditions. Another “Quantorium” will soon appear in another important industrial center of the region – in the town of Bor. This fully corresponds to the main idea of ​​the national projects, which was determined by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin – to be useful to all residents of the country, ”added Gleb Nikitin.

Children’s Technoparks “Quantorium” are playgrounds where children can master promising engineering areas, including modern laser technologies, neurotechnologies, unmanned aircraft, programming, 3D modeling and others.

Technoparks are designed to train young personnel in a number of relevant areas – from robotics and the design of small Earth satellites to the study of laser technologies and the modeling of unmanned objects.

The Education National Project was approved by Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2018. It is designed to ensure the global competitiveness of Russian education, as well as the entry of the Russian Federation into the top ten countries in terms of the quality of general education. The project budget is 784.5 billion rubles.


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